Earlier this week at the Social Media World Forum, David Terrar was asking if any of us could name one company with a co-ordinated, coherent, holistic “social” approach to corporate communications.

Zappos (run by Tony Hsieh, pictured)? Cisco? Dell, maybe? A German bank that David mentioned…? There are also examples like WL Gore – companies that are “social in essence”.

The question came up again yesterday at the SOMESSO/ Headshift Social Business Summit. The summit aimed to discuss, analyse and build on a handful of social business case studies. The case studies represented breakthroughs in corporate communications and/ or marketing.

But none of these were holistic and fully-integrated.

A central plank of 90:10, David Cushman’s new project, is investing in new, social, businesses. Such a great idea! I wish 90:10 all the best. And I’d love to hear more about any other investors dedicated to backing social start-ups.

Lord knows, we need them.

What do we really mean by social business?

Photo: JD Lasica