I’ve done a shortened version of the Social Media Launch Pack – for people already up and running on social media who need a quick fix. Like the Launch Pack, I wanted it be to affordable, practical – and fast. Last week, the Social Media Reboot was born!

I trialled the Reboot at The Hospital Club as part of its Business@Breakfast strand. We had just 90 minutes, so I did a short talk followed by an in-depth practical workshop. Here are the slides. And here are the delegate packs.

I wasn’t sure how it’d pan out but there was great energy in the room. Everyone seemed happy to work in pairs, even when it came to discussing their business with a complete stranger (sometimes that helps). People dived right in and chatted, debated goals and content ideas, and filled out the worksheets. Not everyone finished in the time allowed, but it was good to start the process.

There was some great feedback on Twitter afterwards:

Thanks everyone who came along – it was fabulous to have you! Thanks especially to David Barlow for the coffee and chat, Bethan Wood for the Brighton speaker offer and Noor Din for the geek solidarity!

Photo: Lauren Mancke (via unsplash)